The FourSide Plaza Hotel Trier counts to the hotels with the best price performance ratio.
Trier - 26.10.2017 - The FourSide Plaza Hotel in Trier was named as one of the top ten hotels with the best value for money in Germany this fall. Accommodation selection is based on traveler reviews and TripAdvisor's price comparison of 200 booking sites to find the lowest seasonal rates. Homes rated at least 20 per cent below the average rate for accommodations in the region, who have at least 3.5 stars and score with discernible added value, have qualified. This was determined among other things on the basis of the quality of the evaluations as well as the equipment characteristics. Excellent addresses can be found throughout the Republic.
Here you will find the list of hotels.
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Elzstraße 4
20097 Ringsheim
+49 7822 861 488-0